Monday, 18 October 2010

Guramit Singh

What are the EDL really against? From it starting to be a movement against Islamic Extremism and the 'Islamisation of the UK' (which really makes no sense), it has turned into one of the most biggest and dangerous street movements in the UK, spreading hatred, racism and abuse in our cities and communities.

One of the EDL's leaders, Guramit Singh, has said that the EDL are against the 'extreme side to Islam', but have no problems with moderate Muslims, mosques, etc. Well, everyone should be against people committing terrorist acts in the way of Islam as terrorism is forbidden in the religion - and abusing Islam's name through terrorist acts is wrong. Are these extremists really Muslims? I don't think they can be even called a quarter of a Muslim.

Another point to think about; the EDL, and Guramit Singh, are concerned with extremists and the threat to the UK. If there were really enough extremists out there that a whole group+street movement had to made, we'd have bombs and terror alerts happening all the time! But there isn't! The EDL started in Luton, when a bunch of Muslims protested against some of the British Army on homecoming. Yes, they're defending our country. But if Muslims feel affection towards their brothers in the middle-eastern countries, who are suffering with the armies being there, aren't they not as well entitled to their opinion? It was a peaceful protest. But some violent thugs with their narrow minded views, saw this as 'extremism' and led the way to the EDL.

But then what is 'Islamisation of the UK'? Sharia Law - that? It's one of the lamest excuses I have heard for being against Islam as a whole. The UK will always be under its own laws and will never adopt any other type of law. It's a multicultural country and a very proud one for that. It has mosques and halal restaurants to cater for the Muslim people of Britain - it is only them following their own Sharia Law - abiding with rules of the UK obviously. The Sharia Law for Muslims in Britain is simple - eat halal food, be a good Muslim, etc. Islam still says to abide to the rules of the land. People getting scared of Sharia Law is absolute nonsense.

As I mentioned earlier, Guramit Singh stated he isn't against Muslims in general.

Then what is this about? Why the racism against Pakistani's? Why the abusive talk towards Muslims as a whole? See

Why to the EDL hold placards saying 'No More Mosques'? It's nothing extremist! If extremism is taught inside mosques, it is something of the past which very few corrupt Islamic leaders did. But, they've all been found out. Holding up No More Mosques placards is an insult and yet further racism and abuse to the majority of peace loving Muslims out there.

A lot of us have also seen videos, and been there, when the EDL have chanted 'We All Hate Muslims' and 'Allah Is A Paedo'.

This is not 'peacefully protesting' (as they say) against extremists.

It's a protest against Islam. Why? For what only I can think of, a religion which has had a great and positive impact on this world as a whole is making the EDL scum feel upset. Islam has contributed to Britain in a positive way overall, as well as other religions and traditions that uphold this great multiculturalism. People simply don't like it show their racist side, picking on the ones who get the most media attention, to try to pull them down - Islam and the Muslims.

I call for all - Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, White/British, Asian, Black - all races, religions, cultures, beliefs and traditions to unite in humanity against injustice and racism. Let's hope, not hate, for a brighter Britian. Let this not go on longer than it already has. Let us unite against the racist minority of this country!

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